

Rabu, 03 September 2014


  • Give significant background information about the author or the literary piece

The author of 40- love is Roger McGough, He was Born on November 9, 1937 in Lither Land, north Liverpool.Education: St Marys College and the University of Hull. Some of most popular poem are Summer with Monika, Blazing Fruitand Defying Gravity, all published by Penguin, and for children An Imaginary Menagerie, Pillow Talk and Bad, Bad Cats. He is also an international ambassador for poetry and in 1997 he was awarded an OBE, and in 2004 he was awarded a CBE. His most recent books include All the Best and Slapstick (due in August) and for adults,.‘He now presents the BBC Radio 4 program Poetry.

  • Write the synopsis or summary of the literary text

This poetry is about a relationship that the middle age couple has which is like a tennis match. In tennis, 40 score means 0. The figure of 40 stands for the age of middle-aged people, tennis scoring is love, it means that a couple of 40 years old has no love, dies, and empty. In addition to this, this poem looks like a tennis court with a net being used to separate the words. It is like a tennis game, beside that he creates power imagery that allows for him to give a solid viscerally visual representation to the division between men and women.  It also provides a vehicle for an effective demonstration furthering the idea that even when men and women are participating in an event together they’re still separate, allowing the attitudes of the time to stay status quo.There will always have limitation when playing tennis is end

  •     Jot down three questions that come to mind while reading the text, then choose one explore it more fully

 The questions that come to mind while read this literary piece are
-          Why there is no capital letter, no period, no comma, and separated by 2 colomn? 
-          Why they are playing tennis? 
-          What the meaning of 40? 
I will explain the last question about the meaning of 40. In tennis, 40 score means 0. The figure of 40 stands for the age of middle-aged people, tennis scoring is love, it means that a couple of 40 years old has no love, dies, and empty 
  • Explain the emotion that literary text work in you or which you felt while or after reading the peace.
The emotion of the literary text after reading the poem indicate the relationship  between man and women is closed and uninteresting. It can be seen from the structure of poem in which the two words “tennis” and “between” are separated by hyphens to be symmetric in structure and merely The words in the poem are set in two sequences, like two sides of the couple. The middle blank is like a net to separate the two.
  • Copy a part of literary text (sentence, paragraph, dialogue) which struck you most something you find beautiful, enlightening and discuss why?
There is a part of poem that make me interested, those are the splits word of  Ten and nis. By splitting the words Ten and nis,  he creates power imagery that allows for him to give a solid viscerally visual representation to the division between men and women.  It also provides a vehicle for an effective demonstration furthering the idea that even when men and women are participating in an event together they’re still separate, allowing the attitudes of the time to stay status quo.
  • Identify the theme of literary piece and discuss it in the light of drama or poem
The theme of this poem is the relationship between man and women will end and gone although they are together.
  • Write the critique of the works using an appropriate literary approach or theory
There are some of the literary approaches to criticize this poem, and I will discuss it from historical approach. The poem is written in 1971 is truly a reflection of the times. Back then the division between men and women was great, for many people bridging the gap between the sexes was an insurmountable task and resisted openly in such areas as jobs, clubs, and other organizations.  Many men and women back then felt that it was not proper to involve themselves in things their spouses were doing.  For example the men felt they had to be the bread winner, head of the family unit and it was deemed unmanly to do house work, or cook indoors although grilling outdoors was considered a man’s job.  The women were still the homemakers, child raisers and general domestic engineers. Even though the decade before was the starting point for many of the major movements to end inequality based on race and sex.

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